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Jun 15, 2021

Between the interpersonal dynamics of younger generations (Millennials & Gen Z) entering the workforce, the dynamic needs of more mature staff and the lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, now more than ever employees are desperately focused on the soft skills in their leaders.

Work is hard, but for many employees life can be much harder.  I remember as a young teacher being really frustrated with my assistant teacher because she had some personal challenges that were causing her to underperform.  In my frustration and naivety, I decided the best advice that I could give her was “to leave home at home.” Decades later, I realize how unrealistic and inconsiderate this statement was (and still is).  

Before you write me off, I am not at all saying we should just accept anything when someone is having a hard time.  However, I am suggesting that we may need to temporarily adjust both expectations and demands.  I’ve come a long way from the young insensitive teacher.  Recently, a former staff person gave me one of the greatest compliments: “We always wanted to do well, even if we had to bust our butts because we knew you wanted what was best for us and that made us work harder.”

This conversation and so many others have shown me that today’s workforce is looking for employers to be:


Demonstrate an understanding of your own humanity as well as theirs.  Don’t (falsely) model or expect perfection.  


Are you approachable?  Do ALL staff feel like you will listen to them?  Have you demonstrated that you are open to hearing from them and will make time for them if needed?


Most employees don’t want leaders who are on their level.  They want you to be a guide who can show them how to be the best version of themselves and how to get to their next level if desired.  


Some things are inexcusable, some things we can’t make concessions for, but when you can - give your team a bit of a break.  Hard work deserves an occasional reward. 

They just want us to be regular people.  To put it simply, employers/leaders need to be head (thinking), hand (doing) AND HEART (feeling)!  These three are going to position you for trusting relationships and lasting returns with your staff. And when employees believe you care, they will do just about anything for you…they will bust their butts for you!

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